Thanks for the supplies. TEA - I couldn't do without a proper cup of tea and in the supermarket you could only buy a 20bag box of twinnings for something silly like $5 so I was having to ration those. I have been saved thanks to packages from home. We also asked for Bisto and oxo as you just don't seem to get it here and gravy comes in a tin YUCK I don't even like to think what that tastes like.
Russell misses pies! They seem to have a lot of sweet ones but not savoury, I will have to get baking.
I miss squash/diluting juice I have yet to see that in a shop but we can't really have that sent in the post so I will just have to do without.Teddy's -V- Moomin's Breakfast
Can you tell who is becoming americanized?! I am sticking to my marmite on toast, luckily you can get that but only the small jars. There are so many flavours of pop-tarts I thought that was a 80s/90s thing that fizzled out, obviously not here and I think it mentions somewhere on the box how it includes vitamins or something as silly!!