Sunday, 14 February 2010


We went down to the Mall this weekend to take some snaps of the snow covered sights.
The reflecting pool was frozen over, the photo on the bottom shows what it usually looks like.

As close as I got to sledging

Tired of sight seeing and photos!

Monday, 8 February 2010


That's what they are calling it here, a little bit dramatic but funny too.  It was crazy in the supermarket on Thursday people queueing out the door for supplies!  I think we have had maybe 30 inches check out the photos from Saturday.

The tennis court net was almost covered.

Photos of our road

A lady cross country skiing down the main Avenue.

Snow Angels.

Washington 'snow' Monument

Even though it is Snowmageddon the Superbowl still went on.  It was our first Superbowl and I wanted the Saints to win because I liked their strip the best and it seemed most of Washington wanted them to win too, so it was a good result in a match many people didn't think the Saints would win.

Teddy enjoying his 25cent wings

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

A Serious Man

We went to the Arlington Cinema N Drafthouse last night to see the Coen brothers - A Serious Man.  The cinema was really cool like an old school movie theatre but you sat at tables and had a server so you can order food and drink through out the show, much better than a mulitplex.  They had movie themed burgers and cocktails which was cute and on a Monday its only $1 entry - mint.  I only want to see films here from now on!


The movie was good too it's a black comedy about a man who seems to be questioning God about why bad things are happening to it him, very funny and a great ending.