Hi I'm Amy's brother and I'm on a visit from the UK. Below are a select few of the pitcures taken so far on my tour of DC.
Friday March 5th
This is the Lincoln monument on the Mall, it's pretty impressive; i've seen it loads of times on TV and in films and stuff but you never really appreciate how huge it is until you're close up. It's massive!
Below is a picture of me and Amy standing below the Washington Monument, usually seen in pictures showing it's reflection in the Reflecting Pool but the pool itself is quite some distance away, closer to the Abe Lincoln monument than where we are now.
Later that day we visited Hooters, an amazing American invention; whoever thought it up needs a gold medal. With good beer, good food, and even better waitresses on tap, what more is there?
This was my waitress Kristie, what a swell job she did...
Sunday March 7th
On Sunday we all went to the National Zoo, it was a pretty good zoo in comparsion to others i've seen
Below is me and Russell standing at the gates of the Zoo.
Later that day we went to a Mexican Restaurant for food, it was mega tasty. I had Ribs, Giant Prawns, Steak Strips and other green stuff to go in my Tortillas.
This was some of the finest Steak I have tasted, good work Chef!
Monday March 8th
Today Amy and I visited the American History Museum, it had some really interesting stuff about the Presidents of the US but what I thought was more impressive was the actual jacket that Fonz wore in Happy Days, the Red shoes Judy Garland wore in the Wizard of Oz and the C3PO costume Anthony Daniels wore in Return of the Jedi. Haha...good stuff!
This is me with C3PO
The pair of Dorothy slippers held at the Smithsonian in DC
Wednesday March 10th
Today we went to the Air and Space Museum, it was pretty cool. An absolutely enormous building, it housed loads of really huge Aeroplanes and Lunar Space modules and stuff like that. We had a tour guide who seemed to know what he was talking about, he was pretty cool.
Below is a picture of me and Amy taken by the thermal imaging camera. Clever stuff, I thought it looked pretty neat.
This is the Bell X-1; the first ever plane to break the sound barrier,shaped like was a 50 caliber bullet it reached 957mph - Mach 1.45 on March 26th 1948
This is Amy standing next to Charles (Chuck) Lindbergh; the first man to ever complete a Trans-Atlantic flight, it took him 33 days to fly 3600 miles....good work sir!
This is a taster of what i've been upto so far, taking in the culture and having a laugh.
Mr O...signing off....