Saturday, 14 June 2014

First steps

Judah took his 'first steps' yesterday soooo exciting! It literally was one or two steps, this morning he did a few more!!! He has been standing up alone for a couple of weeks gradually more and more but as soon as he realises he sits right down, like in the photos above. Give him a few weeks and I suspect we will be going to have him measured for his first shoes awwww. Our new favorite place to play is the cricket field where he can crawl and crawl and crawl as fast as he likes!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Hip hip hooray

Pictures from Judah's first birthday! We had a great day celebrating with family. We went to Adventure Valley and saw lots of animals, Judah liked the sheep and alpacas. Lots of fun was had in the soft play especially on the slides. Then we had a tea party and opened presents. It was a very special day :)

Sunday, 30 March 2014


Today I celebrated my first Mother's day, Judah and Teddy woke me up with breakfast in bed and a lovely card. Yesterday they took me out for the day to Exeter we had breakfast and a mooch around then went to Urban Burger for lunch. Which was so good, was almost like having an American burger :) Judah had his first kids meal and his first ride on a bus!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Judah 11 month old

Good walking

 Give me that camera Mammy!

Judah is 11 month old today, I always like to take pictures on these mini-birthdays :)

Hello Again

I decided to come back and write again for a few reasons really; Judah is almost 1 year old! and I realise I am slowly taking less photos of him :( and I thought if I blog then it will (hopefully) make me take more photos of him and record him changing and growing and doing new awesome things!  Also, I have taken a photography class recently to learn to use my camera properly so this is good for practicing my new skills. I intended to start blogging again at the beginning of the year and I am just getting round to it (story of my life) so I hope to keep this going but as things go I am not very organised or good at getting things done haha we will see how this goes!