Monday, 28 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

I hope everyone has had a great few days and that you all are a little fatter!  We had a lovely Christmas here quiet but good.  We opened presents in the morning then prepared dinner, no turkey in this house we went for big fat juicy steaks instead.  For pudding it was homemade mince pies and pumpkin pie which I spent almost all of Christmas Eve baking but even if I do say so myself the pastry was mint.  Thinking about it now we didn't have crackers - I am not sure if they do that here, what a shame missing out on all those really funny jokes tehehe!  Then we just chilled out for the rest of the day nursing big fat bellies.

So many presents we must have been good this year.

Looking so pleased with my Christmas booties.

What could this be?!

Teddy bought these speakers with the Christmas money he was given I think its his best present - cheers dudes.

I bought wool with my money purple to make a bag, green to make tablemats.
This will keep me busy - thanks everyone :-)

Pictures we bought from a local photographer to decorate our bare walls.

Checkout the green dishware I bought these with my Christmas money too - thanks!

Boxing day we just lazed around eating more naughty food (I think I will go to the gym today) I read one of my new books and Teddy adjusted his speakers all day ha!  We hope everyone enjoys the rest of there hols and has a great new year lots of love and best wishes from across the pond xxx


  1. Hope you guys had a great Christmas, looks like santa was good to you guys this year.

  2. Hi guys, looks like you had a lovely Christmas!! Thank you for the card, was too late to send you a Christmas card so we sent you a different one. Keep the blogs coming!!

