Saturday 22 May 2010

Eclipse (to be or not to be)

Much to my dismay I am starting to get excited about the Eclipse movie; for one thing I have been listening to the new Muse song for the soundtrack and its really growing on me.  At first I didnt like the intro and thought it was a bit cheesy but now the romantic in me is winning over... the chorus fits really well with Eclipse.

I have watched a couple of trailers and it looks a lot more action packed than New Moon.  I loved Twilight the movie and recently finished reading all the books which I couldn't put down, even though most of the time Bella and Edward annoyed the life out of me!  But it was only last week that I finally got round to watching New Moon and I was sooo disappointed it really was rubbish I thought then there is no point in seeing the new one - but now I am in a dilemma tehehe!!


  1. I loved twilight and liked new moon. soooo excited about eclipse and the muse song is fantastic. they are going to take over the world after june :)

  2. Yeah - have you seen how many festivals they are doing, wish we were going to one. I was thinking about you actually as I still have your Muse ticket from Munich. I meant to give it to Dan when he was here but forgot, I will have to pop it in the post. xx
