Tuesday 18 May 2010

Yippee - a job!

I am going to be starting work very soon... I found out a German style Bier Garten was opening in DC and contacted the manager and I went to see him last night and he offered me a job! Sweeeett!
I am really looking forward to it; since going to Munich last November I developed a love for German bier - hefeweizen especially.  It should be really cool working in a bar again and super good it having a huge beer garden as I will hopefully get to be out in the sun even when working.  They are just waiting for some licenses to come through before it opens.  (Hopefully in the next couple of weeks, I need some pennies!)

 I pinched this pic from a blog article on it Biergarten Haus


  1. congratz! that's great news.

  2. Ahh thanks! I just hope it comes through. I have joined a job agency today too (just in case) xx
